OceanWP Breaks Navigation Menu Same Page Anchor Links

OceanWP Breaks Navigation Menu Same Page Anchor Links

File this under problems that are hard to google. I want to make the answer for this OceanWP theme broken navigation link problem easier to find. Single Page Website Navigation Links Single page websites are sites where all of the content is on the same page. Sites...

Optimizing WordPress 101

Optimizing WordPress Websites Images Huge Pic 2048 x 1404 px 1,585,286 bytes Scaled down 320 x 219 px Full size - 70,627 bytes Scaled and compressed 320 x 219 px Exported at 40% - 14,164 bytes  

Top 3 WordPress Headaches for 2018 Survey – Solved

Top 3 WordPress Headaches for 2018 Survey – Solved

According to a recent survey among WordPress professionals conducted by Pagely, the 3 biggest headaches they experience are the very things that we solve here at OnSiteWP. Our WordPress Support Services take care of: Performance Issues (52%) Security Issues (41%)...

WordPress Website Migration [Video]

WordPress Website Migration [Video]

https://youtu.be/DEIsOwHCbqw [Transcription] Hi there, Mark Rudder with OnSiteWP. I'm going to show you how to migrate a website from one hosting environment to another, or from one hosting company to another. These are WordPress websites and it's pretty easy to do....

Woocommerce Webhooks Secret Key

Woocommerce Webhooks Secret Key

Let's admit it, I spend too much time on Facebook. In my defense, it's not all spent looking at memes. I have plenty of WordPress support groups that I follow. One of the problems with Facebook is that it's not spidered well by Google. And most groups require that you...

Importance of Selecting the Right WordPress Support Company

Importance of Selecting the Right WordPress Support Company

Excellent service is the number one goal at OnSiteWP. Our WordPress support service grew from the fact that we saw many neglected websites. We hear a lot of reasons why websites fall behind in updates. It ranges from my developer is supposed to be doing them to I...

Why OnSiteWP Chose Amazon AWS for Web Hosting

Why OnSiteWP Chose Amazon AWS for Web Hosting

When talking about web hosting, one of the frequent questions we get asked is why we chose to base our OnSiteWP WordPress Hosting service on Amazon AWS. WordPress developers who have done their market research will tell us there are less expensive providers out there...

Linux Command Line Basics For WordPress Developers

Linux Command Line Basics For WordPress Developers

I've written on many marketing and beginner topics. It is time to give my WordPress developers some love. The linux command line is something that strikes fear into many WordPress developers. Even some really great ones. But there is no need to be scared. Learning the...

8 Reasons You Need A Dedicated WordPress Support Services Team

8 Reasons You Need A Dedicated WordPress Support Services Team

Benefits Of Our Awesome WordPress Support Services Team When you’re busy with the details of running your business and making money, you need to know how to prioritize the aspects of your business that are necessary but not your expertise. Unfortunately for your...

WordPress Ransomware Protection

WordPress Ransomware Protection

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is how to protect a WordPress website from ransomware. It is a two part answer. First keep your site software updated to reduce the possibility of known bugs that hackers will exploit. The second part, and this is very...

WordPress Support Service

We maintain your website so you can run your business. Get Started Now

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